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Apply for membership

We welcome you to join NKF-N!

NKF-N has four membership categories: Ordinary membership, associate membership, student membership and senior membership.

Ordinary membership may be acquired by anyone who has completed a conservation education, i.e. bachelor's degree, master's degree or equivalent (3 or 4 years) at an approved institution, including Conservation Science, and in addition one working year (230 working days, 1750 hours) of subsequent conservation professional experience after graduation. Approved conservation professional experience must be certified by either a member of NKF-N at the workplace, by the immediate superior, or clients who can confirm the applicant's duties and responsibilities. Applicants with professional experience in conservation after completing their education from abroad must document this in the same way.

Association, student and senior membership is open to anyone interested in being part of the conservation community. NKF-N wants to be inclusive, and everyone is welcome as a member!

Member benefits: 

  • All members are sent the Nordic member magazine Notifications of Conservation (MoK). The Norwegian journal Norske Konserves is open for everyone to read on the website. 
  • All members are invited to annual meetings, winter meetings and member meetings. These meetings are both an important social meeting place and a source of professional input. Annual meetings and winter meetings are held in Oslo, while other meetings are arranged by the regional teams. Anyone can participate, but only those with ordinary membership have the right to vote at the annual meeting.
  • All members can receive member information and communicate with other members by Grønn e-mail (check the application form if you wish).
  • As an ordinary member, if you take on private assignments or provide advice, you can be listed in "Find a conservator". 
  • As an ordinary member, you also get the right to use the abbreviation NKF-N behind your professional title. E.g.: Painting conservator NKF-N.

To become an ordinary member, use the following application form:

                       ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP

Remember to have all the paperwork ready before you start with your application. These are mandatory and include the following:

1. Diploma/proof of completed studies.

2. Certificates of one year of conservation professional experience after graduation, organized according to the following two forms:

                       Documentation of completed private practice

                       Confirmation of completed professional experience from a museum or similar institution

For those who have only worked at museum institutions and the like, it is only necessary to fill in the lower part of the form "Confirmation of initial assignment and / or professional experience".

4. Curriculum Vitae

NB! Remember to have everything ready before filling out the application form in the link.


To become an associate, student or senior member, use the following application forms:

                         SENIOR MEMBERSHIP

                         STUDENT MEMBERSHIP

                         ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP

New ordinary members are admitted at the annual general meeting, and you must apply between 1 October and 31 January. Other members are admitted on an ongoing basis.

New membership fees (valid from April 2017):

- Ordinary member: 550.-

- Assosiat: 450.-

- Student/senior: 275.-

NB! You get access to the member benefits when the amount is registered in NKF-N's account.

Account Number: 9235 21 45701                                                                                                                                            IBAN: NO0692352145701                                                                                                                                                   BIC/SWIFT Address: KBNONO22                                                                                                                                988 822 132
